Newsletter | 27th January 2023

It has been an incredible week for Sydney Russell School. As a demonstration of the sheer talent of our students, Matilda was outstanding! Congratulations to the cast and production team, whose ambition and commitment ensured a highly polished and professional performance, on three consecutive nights, which has drawn wide praise from the hundreds of people to joined us to enjoy it. It really was brilliant! We are also celebrating the academic ambitions and successes of our students this week, having received the news of three of our Year 13 students being offered places at Cambridge University for their degree-level studies next year, subject to securing their A level grades. Making it to the interview stage of selection at this prestigious, world-renowned university is an achievement in itself, so being conditionally offered a place is a testament to the talent and capabilities of our young people. I hope this will give them a great final boost to continue in their dedication to their studies at A level, so that they realise the fullest of their potential. We wish them every success. Have a great weekend. Mrs Cross Read the full newsletter here